
The members of the Council are:

Julie Bonner -

Vanessa Kingsley (Chair) -

John Kingsley -

Graham Macausland -

Paul Merry -

James Steed -

Gail Wigglesworth  -

Paul Wigglesworth -


Clerk to the Parish Council

The Clerk to the Council is Suzanne Lupin.      

The Clerk is responsible for advising and supporting the Council, setting and publishing the agenda for meetings, calling most types of meeting and for implementing the decisions and policies of the Council.

The Clerk is the Council's 'Proper Officer' and is generally the first point of contact for Council business - please contact her if you need information about any aspect of the Council's work or if you have any questions or queries.

You can contact the Clerk by: 


Post:  Willowbrook Cottage, Church Road, Bacton, Suffolk, IP14 4LW 

Telephone: 07588 73 41 68


Village Warden 

The Village Warden :  Vacancy

The Warden carries out regular checks on Parish Council assets such as the play area and equipment, defibrillators and Greens, keeping things tidy and clean,  They undertake minor maintenance jobs and reports anything that needs specialist attention. Contractors undertake all major maintenance works.


Our District and County Councillors are: 

District Councilor Andy Mellen:

County Councillor Andrew Stringer:

and they attend meetings regularly to report on matters of relevance to the Parish or send a written report.


Register of Members' Interests

Members of the Council are required to act in an impartial and disinterested manner when dealing with council business and must register certain interests, such as jobs, businesses and property, that could create a conflict of interest. The register of members' interests is available by clicking on the following link -